700 Fit Club Drumul Taberei Prices


Unlimited access to all 700 Fit Club facilities, for the chosen period of time.

1 intrare: 6€

1 month 60€

3 months 173€

6 months 328€

12 months 477€

Payment is made in RON, at the BNR exchange rate. Prices include VAT.

700 Reboot

For a new body and a fresh mindset.

3 months subscription + 36 personal trainer sessions.

with personal trainer: 590€

Payment is made in RON, at the BNR exchange rate. Prices include VAT.This package can only be acquired at the reception. The trainers’ availability is limited – ask at reception.

Train at home with Les Mills On Demand and 700 Fit Club


Type Cost
Personal Trainer 10 sessions 250 €
Personal Trainer 20 sessions 449 €
Group Personal Trainer 2 people / 10 sessions 352 €
Group Personal Trainer 3 people / 10 sessions 449 €
Individual session 32 €

Personal trainer

Pick your trainer and start a personalized program. You’ll work more efficiently, more focused and with visible results.

Abonamentele pentru personal training pot fi încheiate doar la recepția clubului.

Payment is made in RON, at the BNR exchange rate. Prices include VAT.